Zes: Intesa Sanpaolo southern director: “It is attracting investors”

"We are promoting these structures," he explained, "with international road shows and helping investors to evaluate Italy as a place to make investments and also to help our entrepreneurs.

“We are again at the beginning of a path that finally with the appointment of commissioners allows us to have full attraction and operability to work for territories that can have strong attraction for foreign entrepreneurs”. This was said by Giuseppe Nargi, regional director for Campania, Calabria and Sicily of Intesa Sanpaolo, at the presentation of the 5 billion fund now allocated by the bank for Zes and Zls.

“We are promoting these structures,” he explained, “with international road shows and helping investors to evaluate Italy as a place to make investments and also to help our entrepreneurs. We are making the additional EUR 5 billion fund available as a demonstration of how much the bank has always believed in this project and we are determined to make our contribution work this time”.

Among the engines to make Italy’s free zones work are the infrastructures connecting them to the ports. “Today the NRP,” Nargi explains, “reserves important sums to complete the infrastructure also in the south and improve intermodality, making the sea fully connected with the hinterland and ensuring that the supply chain is fluid and efficient. This gives opportunities to Italian logistics and improves activism in the strategic sector for the development of southern Italy’.