Naples: Casa Tecnologie Emergenti, a centre of innovation

The City of Naples, lead partner of the 'Infiniti Mondi' project, has been awarded the 'Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti' (Cte) approved by the Italian Ministry of Enterprise and Industry.

The City of Naples, lead partner of the ‘Infiniti Mondi’ project, has been awarded the ‘Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti’ (Cte) approved by the Italian Ministry of Enterprise and Industry. Infiniti Mondi, ranked second in Italy after Bologna out of seven approved projects and approximately 40 submitted, is proposed and coordinated by the City of Naples, assisted in its operational coordination by the MedITech Competence Centre, which will also be responsible for developing the technological platform supporting the management of the Cte. Completing the partnership are: CNR – Ispc, Spici, CerICT, University of Naples Federico II, University of Naples L’Orientale, Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, Tim, One More Pictures, Cefriel.

The project, which will last two years, has a budget of approximately EUR 15 million and envisages the construction in the San Giovanni a Teduccio area of a centre for advanced innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries sector, capable of supporting the development of products, processes, services, start-ups, and new business and organisational models for Small and Medium Enterprises, related to emerging technologies. In particular: Metaverse, Web3, Gaming, Digital Storytelling, Quantum Computing and 5G.