Italian Industrial Association approves Special Economic Zones

We believe it is necessary to finance this tax tool over a multi-year horizon, avoiding last-minute interventions

In the Special Economic Zones (ZES) in southern Italy, there are “the first clear positive results in terms of speeding up the process of obtaining authorisations” for new companies and new investments. This was said by Vito Grassi, vice-president of Confindustria, at the conference on SEZs and the economy of the sea promoted by national Confindustria.

“This mechanism,” Grassi said, “has proven to work effectively for the productive fabric and to the advantage of the territories involved. Today the legislation already provides that, if they prove effective, these processes can also be replicated in areas outside the perimeter of the SEZs, thus representing a model of concrete experimentation, in scal to real”.

However, for Grassi, “one of the criticisms that has emerged relates to the way in which the ZES tax credit is financed, which occurs every year through the Budget law. We believe it is necessary to finance this tax tool over a multi-year horizon, avoiding last-minute interventions that create uncertainty for economic operators”.