Invitalia: 3 billion € investments in Campania

Invitalia has signed for Campania Region 92 Development Contracts, for a total of around 3 billion euro investments

“Invitalia has signed for Campania Region 92 Development Contracts, for a total of around 3 billion euro investments already activated. The move will produce over 55,000 jobs. These figures confirm that we are a strategic infrastructure for the development of the country’s economy'”. This was stated by Invitalia’s CEO, Bernardo Mattarella, during his visit to EMA – Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali S.p.A. – which took place today at the plant in Morra De Sanctis, in the province of Avellino. The company is the first to have used the Development Contract as a tool to finance industrial expansion and experimental development projects.

EMA is a world leader in the production of latest-generation super-alloy components for engines destined for the aeronautical, naval and electrical sectors. In fact, the Rolls Royce Group company has carried out two Development Contracts with Invitalia: the first concluded in 2015 with an investment of 32 million euro (subsidised for 17) and the second promoted by the ‘Rete d’Imprese PoEMA’ (Polo Europeo Microfusioni Aerospaziali) and completed in 2018 for 11.2 million euro of investment (subsidised for 4.3).

There are a total of 93 Development Contracts signed in Campania that Invitalia has facilitated in the last 12 years, promoting over 3.2 billion investments in the region, which have involved a total of over 55 thousand jobs and involved the use of public subsidies granted amounting to 1.7 billion.

Source: Invitalia