From agribusiness to aerospace: Campania innovation

Campania is growing and playing the digitalisation card in the two-year period 2023 and 2024 with a focus that exceeds the national average.

Cybersecurity development thanks to Pnrr. Campania is growing and playing the digitalisation card in the two-year period 2023 and 2024 with a focus that exceeds the national average. In between, there are also the resources linked to the Pnrr, in which companies are placing their trust and are also focusing on training and skills to keep up.

Tracing the scenario in which the digital revolution and transition becomes the main element is the fourth edition of the Innovation Days event, organised by Sole 24 Ore and Confindustria with the contribution of Sistemi Formativi Confindustria and the support of 4.Manager (Main Partner Banca Ifis and Tim, Event Partner Audi, CIRA and Tirreno Power. Institutional Partner Cassa Depositi e Prestiti).

The Campania flagship is travelling on two tracks that bring together a solid base, with important presences including the aerospace hub with 300 companies and 3 billion in turnover. Then there is the agri-food industry with 15 billion. List innovative applications on a national scale. And significant potential, as emphasised by Cataldo Conte, Head of Corporate Finance Banca Ifis.

‘The study shows that Campania has great potential for growth,’ he said. ‘Thirty-two per cent expect growth against an average of 25, while a percentage of 22 per cent expect to be able to benefit from the resources of the Pnrr’. Again, the way forward is digitalisation, and technology: cloud, cyber security.