Blackstone bets on Italywith 15 billion investments

Italy, in a European context that has suddenly become unstable, is a surprising model of stability

Italy is at the forefront of the interests of Blackstone, one of the world’s financial giants specialising in private equity, real estate investments and investment funds.

Blackstone’s investments amount in Italy is 15 billion dollars, at the top among European countries. This is according to a report consulted by the daily newspaper Il Foglio and confirmed to the newspaper by Blackstone’s number one in Italy, Andrea Valeri. The choice to invest in our country more than in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain, according to the newspaper, ‘is as simple as it is counterintuitive’. “Italy, in a European context that has suddenly become unstable, is a country that has become an astonishing model of stability in Europe”, “it transmits confidence, even when majorities are weak, because thanks to the detested transformism, the Italian Parliament has become a unique model in the exercise of the culture of compromise”, “it transmits confidence, also thanks to the remarkable number of structural reforms made in recent years” and it is “stable also thanks to a majority that in its first months of life has not offered markets and investors any reason to consider the country’s reputation at risk”. “Italy is an important country in our strategy thanks to its historical entrepreneurial fabric and the country’s prospects,” Andrea Valeri tells Foglio. “As a long-term partner it is important for us that the country maintains legislative and regulatory stability. And Italy’s international reputation and its attractiveness for long-term investment also depend on a single plan, on a single Pnrr,’ Valeri says, emphasising: ‘the Pnrr is certainly an important opportunity to bring investment to Italy, but the reputation of our country today is independent of what the future of the Pnrr will be. The more Pnrr is implemented, the better Italy will be. But the health of Italy today is something that is independent of the future of the Pnrr’.