Zes: commissioner, “less bureaucracy, now we are faster”

With the bureaucratic simplification, we have managed to launch the eight digital desks of the ZESs of the individual commissioners

“Dozens of single authorisations have been issued since last August, today we are at about twenty, which means as many new settlements in the territory of the SEZs”. This was said by Giuseppe Romano, extraordinary commissioner of the Campania and Calabria SEZs, on the sidelines of the event in Naples organised by Intesa Sanpaolo to present its 5 billion euro funds made available for the development of the SEZs and LZs.

“With the bureaucratic simplification,” Romano explained, “we have managed to launch the eight digital desks of the ZESs of the individual commissioners, a Copernican revolution because it is the counter through which the entrepreneur who intends to locate himself within our areas makes a single request on the digital desk that generates a single measure, the commissioner’s authorisation that replaces the myriad of authorisations previously required to open. The next steps are the realisation of infrastructure works capable of supporting the new settlements. We are travelling on two parallel tracks, one aimed at attracting more and more investment, the other is the implementation of the works already financed by the NRP. The first tender in Campania has been awarded, the second is in the process of being published, and we expect to publish the third within a few months. We are working to carry out primary infrastructural works, which are capable of supporting new settlements and attracting further ones. The mechanism is to catch up with the past by realising the necessary infrastructure works at the same time as the new settlements”.