Ports: Intesa bets on Special Zones, 5 billion fund

Five billion euro to boost Italy's maritime economy, financing development and businesses investing in the ZESs of southern Italy and the Zls of northern Italy.

Five billion euro to boost Italy’s maritime economy, financing development and businesses investing in the ZESs of southern Italy and the Zls of northern Italy. This is the initiative launched today by Intesa Sanpaolo in Naples to enhance the Special Economic Zones (ZES) established in Southern Italy and the Simplified Logistics Zones (ZLS) under construction in Central Northern Italy. The EUR 5 billion ceiling will be dedicated to production settlements and infrastructure upgrades, an international roadshow to attract capital from abroad, and a programme of reshoring activities.

In addition, for companies that will invest within SEZs and FTAs, an ad hoc financing line is planned that grants an interest rate subsidy.

 “The Mediterranean,” explains Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo, “represents 1% of the earth’s seas, but 20% of the world’s maritime traffic and 27% of container liner services pass through it. It is an evolving situation, in tune with the evolution of globalisation. Our role in the SEZs and SLZs is to drive economic development in the context of a globalisation that tends to consolidate in broad regional systems, including the Mediterranean, which is already particularly developed and has strong prospects for further growth”. Intesa Sanpaolo has been involved in the promotion of the southern SEZs since 2017: after setting up an initial EUR 1.5 billion ceiling, specific missions have been organised abroad, such as those in Beijing and Dubai, to involve international investors.