“Nuova Sabatini”: a new access procedure

The measure supports investments to purchase or lease machinery, equipment, plant, capital goods for productive use and hardware, as well as software and digital technologies.

The capital goods measure ‘Nuova Sabatini’ is the facility made available by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy to facilitate companies’ access to credit and to increase the competitiveness of the country’s production system. The Budget Law 2022 launched the refinancing of the New Sabatini ceiling for EUR 900 million until 2027. The measure supports investments to purchase or lease machinery, equipment, plant, capital goods for productive use and hardware, as well as software and digital technologies. The facility is granted to SMEs in the form of a grant on account of plant, the amount of which is determined as the value of the interest calculated, by agreement, on a loan with a duration of five years and an amount equal to the investment at an annual interest rate of

(a) 2.75% for investments in capital goods;

b) 3.575% for 4.0 and green investments.

It also specifies the procedures for submitting applications for subsidies that can access the 30% increase in the contribution envisaged for green investments.

In particular, the application for subsidies, to be submitted on stamped paper except in the case of SMEs belonging to the agricultural and fishing sectors, must be completed by the enterprise in electronic format and, together with the required documentation, sent exclusively by certified electronic mail (PEC) to the addresses of the financing entities participating in the agreement.

The list of financing entities participating in the agreement, updated from time to time, is published on the Ministry’s website: www.mise.gov.it.

The Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy will notify the exhaustion of available resources and the closure of the application window.