New Special Economic Zones in Campania

Regional minister Antonio Marchiello: "First in Italy to believe in it"

“We are working side by side with the Commissioner for the ZES in Campania to profile the territories by recovering many unused spaces to be structured and returned to the productive fabric of our region. We will soon have new areas that will breathe new life into the territory in economic and employment terms. We are making Campania attractive by also working alongside Invitalia in scouting out companies that want to invest in the south.” This was stated by Antonio Marchiello, Regional Minister for Productive Activities, Employment, State Property and Heritage of the Campania Region, during the ‘Special Economic Zones (Zes): Achievements and Future Prospects’ conference promoted by the Order of Chartered Accountants of Naples.
“We were the first in Italy to believe in ZES back in 2018,” added Marchiello, “we worked on simplification and bureaucratisation to encourage new settlements so as to relaunch our economy by seizing all the opportunities offered by European funds”.
The state of the art of the Campania SEZs was illustrated by extraordinary commissioner Giuseppe Romano: “The number of single authorisations issued is conspicuous in terms of both quantity and quality; a tangible sign of the investments being made in Campania. Just as the works planned for the Zes and financed by the NRP are proceeding, for which we are on time and will be able to take advantage of this great opportunity that provides for the allocation of specific funds for our region. We must proceed in synergy between the various institutions involved, the extraordinary commissioner and the accountants with whom we have signed a special protocol to proceed synergistically along this road”.