Natali (Unicredit): “Investing in the South is now more convenient”.

Between Pnrr, other incentives such as bonuses, decontribution, and Resto al Sud, there are numerous opportunities to be seized.

“It has never been as convenient as now to invest in the South; the Mezzogiorno is the real great opportunity for stable and lasting growth for the entire country”. Ferdinando Natali – who has been responsible for the South (Campania, Puglia, Calabria and Basilicata) at UniCredit Italia for a few months now – is profoundly convinced of this. “Between Pnrr, other incentives such as bonuses, decontribution, and Resto al Sud, there are numerous opportunities to be seized.

We start with the Pnrr’s 2.4 billion earmarked for tourism, then we have the Revolving Fund on which Unicredit is ready to start with financing. The Pnrr remains the most valid opportunity we have to launch a new phase for the Mezzogiorno, to which 40 per cent of the funds are allocated, as it favours the digital and ecological transitions of the production system. Then there are the Zes, finally operational, with 600 million for infrastructure alone. Our bank has set aside a ceiling of one billion to support investments in these areas. We are positioning ourselves as a financial partner of reference for companies that want to invest in the eight southern SEZs.