Naples: City Council-Anci agreement for Euro-Mediterranean projects

To set up an 'International Multi Actor Platform' among Euro-Mediterranean local authorities

To set up an ‘International Multi Actor Platform’ among Euro-Mediterranean local authorities for the concertation and activation of institutional collaborations and partnerships in line with the UfM guidelines and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a Euro-Mediterranean strategy aimed at social cohesion, local development and circular economy. This is one of the objectives of the document signed between the Municipality of Naples and Anci Campania. ”This agreement,” said the mayor, Gaetano Manfredi, ”aims to work on cultural projects looking essentially at the Mediterranean basin. The idea is that Naples can be a point of reference for a synergic action among all the cities bordering the Mediterranean shores and that a synergy and cooperation can be created that also leads to the possibility of joint investments or that from one country can go to another”. Among the actions envisaged by the document there is also the promotion of information activities of an institutional nature among and towards Euro-Mediterranean local and regional governments on the guidelines of the programming of European funds, on the regulatory aspects and on the related prescriptions for international cooperation and participation in cultural and social development; the dissemination to local authorities of the best management models of the cultural and creative industry as well as of local development and innovation of P. A. promoted by the Euro-Mediterranean regional and local authorities for an effective planning of the authorities’ addresses; support to local authorities for the adoption of measures in support of cultural and social development, environment and territory for the regeneration and promotion of social capital as an action of community development.