Mezzogiorno: Open Fiber pushes the digital transition

Campania plays a prominent role in Open Fiber's plan: the company has covered approximately 740,000 real estate units in the region's main cities for a total investment of 210 million euro

The re-launch of Southern Italy inevitably passes through digitalisation, starting from the completion of the latest generation of telematic infrastructures to the unavoidable goal of increasing citizens’ digital skills. These were the topics at the centre of the meeting ‘Futuro Digitale – Rete unica per lo sviluppo del Sud’ (Digital Future – Single network for the development of the South) organised by the SLC CGIL in Naples, the real States General of telecommunications in Southern Italy. Among the speakers was also Francesco Nonno, Open Fiber’s Director of Regulation and European Affairs.

‘Open Fiber,’ said the manager, ‘now has 14.7 million real estate units covered by its ultra-wideband network throughout the country thanks to a total investment of EUR 14 billion. The company is making an important contribution to the revitalisation of Southern Italy: in terms of providing jobs (there are over a thousand people employed, including direct and induced employees, but we need many more), but also in terms of building an ultra-wideband fibre-optic infrastructure of the latest generation that enables citizens, public administrations, and businesses to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by digital technology.

Open Fiber’s plan in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, and Sicily alone mobilises around 1.7 billion in investments, 1.1 billion of which have already been spent to wire 4.6 million real estate units.

“The main cities in southern Italy are covered,” Nonno continued, “just think of Naples, Lecce, Palermo, or Catania, where ultrabroadband network penetration rates are far higher than the Italian average. Our goal is to create smart cities and connected villages, giving the South back a leading role also in terms of technology to attract new investments, new professionalism, and job opportunities”.

Campania plays a prominent role in Open Fiber’s plan: as of 30 September, the company led by CEO Mario Rossetti has covered approximately 740,000 real estate units in the region’s main cities for a total investment of 210 million euros.