Italy more attractive, foreign investments grow

In 2022, 243 projects will be realised, +17% over 2021. A figure higher than that of the three largest European economies, Germany, United Kingdom and France

Italy confirms its positive trend as a destination for foreign direct investment in 2022, with the realisation of 243 projects and an annual increase of 17%. This figure is higher than that of the three largest European economies, Germany, United Kingdom and France, which, while continuing to attract the majority of flows, 50% of the total in Europe, are performing below expectations, -1%, -6% and +3% respectively.

This is what emerges from the Ey Europe Attractiveness Survey 2023, which shows that B2B services and the IT sector, with 19% and 16% of investments, were the most attractive sectors for foreign investors in Italy. Transport and logistics declined, with -4% on 2021.

Italy, notes the Ey study, “is recognised as one of the main consumer markets in Europe: 68% of investments are aimed at local market positioning, while 32% are driven by local skills and know-how”. The countries that invested most in Italy in 2022 were the United States (21%), France (14%), the United Kingdom (14%) and Germany (11%). As for geographical distribution, foreign investments are mostly concentrated in the North-West regions (57%), where some of the most attractive industrial districts are located, from mechanics to textiles, together with leather goods, design and automotive. This is followed by Central Italy (16%) and the North-East (12%). The growth of investments in the South is positive: from 10% to 15% of the total.