Doing Business in Campania

The guide provides investors with an overview of the advantages of locating a business activity in the Campania region

The first guide dedicated to companies and potential investors in Campania.

The guide provides investors with an overview of the advantages of locating a business activity in the Campania region and contains precise data on its demography, economy, accessibility, key sectors, skills, costs, financial and fiscal benefits.

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The excellent facilities you will find in Campania

5,7 M popolazione

9 Universities

6 public and 3 private
1300 Aziende estere


108 Miliardi PIL

40 Research Centres

12 Miliardi export

7 Technology Districts

and 21 laboratories
5,7 M popolazione

30 structures

business creation support
1300 Aziende estere

936 start-ups

5th italian region
108 Miliardi PIL

1 billion euro

investment in Research and Innovation