De Luca: “50 million euro more for agricultural businesses investments”

The Campania Region has recovered resources amounting to 50 million euros to support Campania's agricultural enterprises

The Campania Region has recovered resources amounting to 50 million euros to support Campania’s agricultural enterprises whose projects were deemed eligible but not eligible for funding due to the exhaustion of the financial endowment of the 2014/2020 Campania RDP Call 4.1.1. The notice addressed to these enterprises will be published shortly, to confirm the legal and factual conditions that made them eligible for the call and their willingness to make the investment.

“We have decided to commit 50 million euro from extra PSR funds of the new unitary programming,” said President Vincenzo De Luca, “to support the investments of enterprises that had not found financial coverage to complete the project. It is an important choice to guarantee many entrepreneurs”.