Automotive: incentives for supply chain development kick off

The Ministry of Economic Development has published the decrees activating a budget of 750 million euro, of which EUR 525 million for Development Contracts and EUR 225 million for Innovation Agreements.

Facilitation measures for the reconversion and development of the automotive supply chain in Italy are now operational.

The Ministry of Economic Development has published the decrees activating a budget of 750 million euro, of which EUR 525 million for Development Contracts and EUR 225 million for Innovation Agreements.

This is part of the resources of the ‘Automotive Fund’ (8.7 billion euro of funding allocated by the Government up to 2030) earmarked for the support and promotion of green transition, research and investment in the sector through the establishment of innovative and sustainable supply chains in Italy.

In particular, companies will be able to apply for subsidies both for projects already and for new applications from 15 November for Development Contracts and from 29 November for Innovation Agreements.

For the first time, a method of admission to the preliminary investigation will also be applied to projects for Innovation Agreements that is not based on chronological order but on a series of objective parameters, such as the economic-financial soundness of the proposing party and the share of expenses of the project in experimental development.

Source Ministry of Economic Development